Hi, I draw just about anything. line drawing in the main but I can shade if you wish. please feel free to make a request, any picture can be drawn for you.


Please enjoy these pictures

Wednesday 31 March 2010

First request - White Tigers

Hi. This was my first drawing for a request. I think this came out quite well. Tell me what you think. Hope you like it.

Tuesday 30 March 2010


Hi, an M1911 handgun. pretty iconic so I figured it would fit nicely in my collection, Enjoy.

Monday 29 March 2010


Hi, An M4A1 Carbine for you, Enjoy. (This \/ picture is rubbish, click it to get a better quality version)

Sydney Opera House

Hi, Sydney Opera House for you, Enjoy

New theme - People

Hi, started drawing famous people. To start it's Nasir Bin Olu Dara Jones. Enjoy

Saturday 27 March 2010

Mac 10


Here's a MAC 10 Mini SMG. Enjoy

Friday 26 March 2010

Another picture - Another icon

Hi, Brooklyn bridge for you. Hope you like it. dont forget to comment and post requests for new pics in the comments section.

New theme - Cars

I've decided I'm gonna branch out and not only draw famous landmarks but cars aswell. Here is my first drawing. it's a Ferarri Enzo. Tell me what you think and don't forget to leave a comment request in the comment box. Thanks

Thursday 25 March 2010

First post - First picture

Hi, Here's the first picture I have drawn. It is the Empire State Building in New York City. I hope you like it. Please dont forget to post a comment or request in the comment box.

All requests will be considered. Thanks